Over & Back Video Assignment


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This assignment centers on four videotapes of one-on-one lessons conducted by two fifth-grade teachers with one student. One teacher had this student for three sessions, the second teacher had this student for one session.

Each video is approximately 30 minutes in length. I encourage you to view them with at least one other person, if possible. You will need a high-speed connection to view the videos (on-campus access will be high-speed).

While viewing a video, write observations at regular junctures (e.g., about every 5 minutes, or after a significant episode) of what has transpired between the teacher and student. Preserve your notes to give your instructor a copy..

  1. View Lessons 1 and 2. Take notes.

    Write an essay that describes what transpired in each lesson. What did the student understand? What did she not understand? What did the teacher do to help the student? How did the teacher contribute to the student's understanding or misunderstanding? In short, describe what transpired and point to evidence in the videos (by line number in the transcript) that backs what you claim happened. Name your file using the format

    yymmdd.FML O&B01.docx
    yymmdd.FML O&B01.Notes.docx (or .pdf)

    where yy stands for the year, mm stands for the month, dd stands for the day, FML stands for your first, middle, and last initials. An assignment submitted by Michelle J Zandieh on Sept 8, 2019 would be named 190908.MJZ-O&B01.doc.

    Submit your essay and your notes (scanned or typed) to your instructor.

    Your instructor will then share an article published about Lessons 1 and 2.

  2. After receiving the published article regarding Lessons 1 and 2.

    Compare your interpretations of the events in Lessons 1 and 2 with the interpretations given in the article published about them. Use these headings:

    Submit your essay as


    Your instructor will then share an article published about Lessons 3 and 4.

  3. View Lessons 3 and 4. Take notes.

    Write an essay that describes what transpired in Lessons 3 and 4 so that your description entails an explanation of why things happened the way they did. Why did Pat do what he did? What effect did his actions have on Ann's understandings? How do you know this? (Point to passages in the transcript by line number.

    Your description should be in the range of 1000 words.

    Submit your essay and your notes (scanned or typed) as

    yymmdd.FML-O&B03.Notes.docx (or .pdf)

    Your instructor will then share an article published about Lessons 3 and 4.

  4. After receiving the published article regarding Lessons 3 and 4.

    Compare your interpretations of the events in Lessons 3 and 4 with the interpretations given in the article published about them. Use these headings:

  5. Identify constructs (ideas or ways of thinking) that were central to the articles' (plural) purpose. (No specified number of words)
  6. Submit your responses for #4 and #5 in one document named yymmdd.FML-O&B04.docx.

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