Sound is off at first.

Bill:     Could you go through that once more and show me how you figured out his time [puts 40 in for the Turtle-Over Box]. I just want to make sure that I understand that you understand. Okay, letÕs get this one out of here. Put a zero [types 0 for the Rabbit-speed Box].

Ann:    Okay.

Bill:     You can use the paper there [points to a pile of scratch paper] and a pencil.

Ann:    I would É I would take forty, right?

Bill:     Uh huh.

Ann:    [Uses the mouse as an on-screen pointer] IÕve got forty there [Turtle-Over Box] and IÕve got thirty here [Turtle-Back Box], so I would É I would, um, divide forty into a hundred É which would come up with É eighty É er, it could go in twice.

Bill:     Uh huh.

Ann:    And then,

Bill:     What is that, the twice [holds up two fingers]? What is that? What does each of those twices represent, I should say [holds up two fingers again and shakes them]?

Ann:    Forty. They each represent forty.

Bill:     In distance, they represent that. But what you said, ŌGoes in there two times.Ķ What are those two [taps desk twice]? TheyÕre not feet are they?

Ann:    No, theyÕre É forty feet.

Bill:     Okay. The forty goes into a hundred É two times [moves finger over on desk].

Ann:    [Begins to fidget] Yeah.

Bill:     What does that number two [holds up two fingers] É LetÕs just stop right there and figure it out.

Ann:    Eighty feet.

Bill:     No.

Ann:    Eighty feet.

Bill:     No, thatÕs the distance.

Ann:    Yeah! [Smiles].

Bill:     But the two [holds out two fingers again] represents something else.

Ann:    The two É I donÕt know.

Bill:     What happened when you went that first forty feet.

Ann:    É It was one second.

Bill:     Okay, what happened when you went the second forty feet?

Ann:    Two seconds.

Bill:     Okay. When you divided the forty into the hundred and you say it goes in there two times plus some, what else do those two represent [holds up two fingers]?

Ann:    Seconds?

Bill:     DonÕt they?

Ann:    [Pause] Yeah.

Bill:     LetÕs go through the example. Do you need a pencil or a pen? IÕll give you a pen. I donÕt have a pencil, but you can use the pen there. HereÕs some paper. Tell me what your calculations are on that one and weÕll discuss it some.

Ann:    Okay, forty went into a hundred, right? It goes in two seconds. That would be eighty. [Pause] And that leaves twenty left over.

Bill:     Uh huh.

Ann:    So nothing else would come down so you put a point there,

Bill:     There you go.

Ann:    and zero here.

Bill:     Uh huh.

Ann:    And you put [inaudible] here.

Bill:     Good!

Ann:    And bring this down. So youÕd have 200.

Bill:     Uh huh.

Ann:    Forty goes into 200 how many times? ThatÕs what--if it goes in 80 here, it has to go in 2 more times down here [surmising that 200Ö40 is approximately 4].

Bill:     Okay.

Ann:    That would be É

Bill:     Well letÕs just say how many times [covers up the last digits of 40 and 200] will 4 go into 20?

Ann:    Four goes into twenty five times.

Bill:     Okay. LetÕs stick a 5 up [points next to the 2] there [Ann puts Ō.5Ķ next to 2 as answer]. I meant to bring a calculator in today, but I forgot one. WeÕll have to bear without that. IÕll help you on any of the math that we have to do. It looks to me that thatÕs it, isnÕt it?

            Okay, the reason I asked that now is that you were telling me this two and a half [points to AnnÕs written answer, 2.5] tells me how many forties will go into one hundred, right? [Ann nods.] So, you were saying originally, well this is two and a half forties [points to AnnÕs scratchwork] which means two times forty is eighty and a half of a forty is twenty, so that makes the one hundred. But doesnÕt É does this also tell you the amount of time?

Ann:    Yeah.

Bill:     So, there is a direct connection, you see, between that number [points to 40] and that [points to 2.5].

Ann:    That [points to her scratch work] only tells the amount of time going over.

Bill:     Okay. IÕll buy that.

Ann:    You still need to do 30 to go back.

Bill:     All right. LetÕs try that.

Ann:    [Writes in long division form 100Ö30=3] And it would be 3 seconds back.

Bill:     Uh huh.

Ann:    Because 30 goes into 100, three times.

Bill:     And youÕll have a little bit left over, I think.

Ann:    Yeah. [Begins to actually divide, while explaining what sheÕs doing.] And then you have to put a another point because you canÕt go back in.

Bill:     You end up with another hundred there, you see. This is going to keep repeating, isnÕt it?

Ann:    Yes. ItÕs gonna go É [writes Ō.3333333333Ķ next to 3].

Bill:     Yeah. Okay? So, the total time here É letÕs just round them off because weÕre only going to one decimal place on the timer. How long do you think itÕs going to take him now to go over and back?

9:55     Ann:    3.3 [draws a box around 3.3] seconds plus [writes 3.3+2.5 in column form] É plus 2.5.

Bill:     Okay.

Ann:    Which [writes answer, 5.8] is 5.8 seconds.

Bill:     All right. Good. Now [turns AnnÕs paper around to get a look at it]. LetÕs run [points to the computer screen] him and then IÕm going to come back and ask you not to look at this [puts hand over AnnÕs paper] and just tell me what this means in terms of the time thing [moves hand over and back] related to the speed again. Okay. LetÕs see if weÕre right, though [gestures to the screen]. I think you probably were. [Ann activates turtle]. You had 2.5 [turtle comes back]. It looks like it was right on. WeÕll have to ask Dr. Thompson why the happy face comes up on us. [Ann laughs.] Bingo! [Turtle finishes] Right on the money. Very good. If I showed the additional decimal points [points to the Time Counter] behind that, what do you think theyÕd be?

Ann:    8, 8, 8. I think theyÕd all be 8s probably.

9:56     Bill:     ItÕs not really important, but I was just curious [grabs the mouse to display more digits]. IÕll just tease you a bit here, you see. Remember all those 3s that were going to go on forever [points to AnnÕs paper and drags finger across it]?

Ann:    Yeah.

Bill:     We had all those. We didnÕt have a row of 5s, but we did have the 3s. Okay. LetÕs come back to where we were at [puts the decimal places back to tenths]. Now, without looking at this [turns paper upside down and looks at what is on that previously used side]--pretty triangles and stuff--without looking at that now, explain to me the best you can what the É relationship is between the speed that we have here [points to the Turtle-Over Box], distance traveled [moves fingers apart and holds them on the distance line], and the time.

Ann:    The relationship between the distance traveled and the time?

Bill:     Yeah, well whatever speed heÕs running at [points again to Turtle-Over Box], and distance traveled whether itÕs 100 feet or 200 feet [waves hand over and back a few times], and the amount of time.

9:57     Ann:    [Uses the mouse as an on-screen pointer, but the camera does not allow us to see where she points]. He has time here, okay? 40, and um É what that means is that he will go 40 É 40 feet per second, whi-which he will go every second as far as he goes over.

Bill:     Uh huh.

Ann:    And then heÕll go 30 [still using the mouse as a pointer], which means 30 feet per second, when he goes back.

Bill:     Okay.

Ann:    Which means he would go 10 feet slower, so it would take him longer to do that.

Bill:     ŌTen feet slower.Ķ What does Ō10 feet slowerĶ mean?

Ann:    That means instead of doing É like, instead of doing 40 miles per hour,

Bill:     Uh huh.

Ann:    --if you were only doing 30 miles per hour, if you were going on a race with someone [fidgets with the mouse], the one who was going 40 miles per hour would win.

Bill:     Hmmm! [Nods].

Ann:    Because theyÕre going faster then you were.

Bill:     Okay.

Ann:    And you would always be, if you kept up the same pace, you would always be 10 miles É behind him É or her.

Bill:     What if we raced for 3 hours? How far behind him would I be? YouÕre going at 40 miles per hour [gestures with hands over and back] and IÕm going 30 miles per hour and we race for 3 hours [Ann begins to fidget with pen]. How far behind you will I be?

Ann:    Ten miles. É  If you have already crossed the finish line [pretends to draw a finish line].

Bill:     Well lets say itÕs a É 24 hour race, okay? WeÕre gonna race all day and all night. And youÕre going 40 miles per hour [points to Ann]. IÕm going [gestures to self] 30 miles per hour. At the end of one hour [gestures with hand to indicate the passage of time], how far behind you will I be [makes a space with fingers on desk for distance]?

Ann:    Ummm É 10 feet.

Bill:     WeÕre racing É

Ann:    Ten miles.

Bill:     [Nods] Ten miles, okay? Now we keep on racing. We donÕt stop. We just keep on going. Another hour goes by. How far will I be behind you?

Ann:    Twenty miles?

Bill:     Yeah [nods].

Ann:    So, they would just add up?

Bill:     Sure. Because every hour that we race, youÕre going 10 miles per hour faster than I am. So I get 10 miles further behind every time we go for another hour É Okay?

Ann:    [Nods] Okay.

Bill:     Now. LetÕs try going back to this again [points to computer]. I donÕt É IÕm not too concerned about which way we go, but letÕs say É letÕs just use the rabbit now because heÕs going to go over and back and we donÕt have to set two different speeds here. LetÕs say we want the rabbit to go over and back in É 5 seconds.

9:59     Ann:    Five seconds.

Bill:     Uh huh.

Ann:    Then, we would have to set him at 40 feet per second.

Bill:     For what?

Ann:    WeÕd have to set him [points to the keyboard] at 40 feet per second.

Bill:     How do you know that?

Ann:    Because we did that yesterday.

Bill:     Ahh. Okay [Ann chuckles]. LetÕs use one we didnÕt do--you canÕt remember from yesterday. Umm É how about seven and a half seconds?

Ann:    Seven and a half seconds?

Bill:     Yeah.

Ann:    Well É that would mean you could take less time. And É um É IÕd estimate maybe it would be [pauses, thinking] 25 miles per hour or 20.5 miles per hour or something?

Bill:     Oh, feet per second [pointing to the computer screen] you mean.

Ann:    Yeah, feet per second.

10:00   Bill:     It could be. Here. It could be. Let-letÕs go back a step

Bill:     [Brings out a new sheet of scratch paper.] Let me just draw something right here [draws a line segment]. WeÕre going to say that this is the 100 feet thatÕs up there [draws a tick mark at both ends of the segment; labels them Ō0Ķ and Ō100Ķ], okay? And IÕm not for the moment going to divide that up into any distance per se, but weÕll just say this is 0 and this is 100. If we have the turtle or the rabbit running at É um É letÕs say 40 feet per second [Ann nods]. Down here weÕre going to have a graph of time [draws a time line under the distance line]. Okay? [Ann nods]. This is 0 seconds [draws a tick mark on the time lineÕs left end] and this [draws tick mark on the time lineÕs right end] is whatever time it takes him to get down to the end [points to Ō100Ķ on the distance line]. If heÕs running É letÕs say he is running at 40 feet per second [writes Ō40 ft/secĶ]. Can you diagram on there [points to the distance line] where heÕs going to be at each second [makes a space between his fingers on the distance line] and where those seconds are on this graph [points to the time line] at the same time? Let me just show you what I mean. This ending point here [highlights the right tick mark on the distance line] is the same as the ending point here [highlights the right tick mark on the time line]. So when he reaches from here to the end [moves pen from left to right on distance line], heÕs gone from zero time to whatever that time is at the end [moves pen from left to right on the time line].

Ann:    Is he going back [indicates over and back]?

Bill:     No, letÕs just take him one way for the moment.

Ann:    Just one way?

Bill:     Uh huh.

Ann:    Well, after 40, if he went 40 feet for one second É he would be É here [highlights approximately one-third of the distance line]

Bill:     Okay.

Ann:    É after 1 second [writes Ō1 secĶ]. And that would be like here, right [indicates approximately one-tenth of the time line]?

Bill:     ThatÕs what I want to see. Just go ahead and do it, okay?

Ann:    And for the second second,

Bill:     Uh huh.

Ann:    É he would go the same 40 feet [extends highlighted segment to about three-fourths of the distance line]. So that would be [writes Ō2 secĶ alongside distance segment and draws a second tick mark, labeled Ō2Ķ, to indicate a total of approximately one-fifth of the time line].

Bill:     Okay. You want to label this up here, 40 feet and 40 feet so we know what weÕre talking about. [Ann complies, writing Ō40 ftĶ and Ō40 ftĶ] Okay, thatÕs good. All righty.

Ann:    Then you have [draws a tick mark in the Ōleft overĶ region of the distance line] 2 É 20, 20 É 20 feet left [draws a bracket over this region].

Bill:     Okay. [Ann writes Ō20 ftĶ on top of bracket]. And how long is it going to take him to do that?

Ann:    It would take him half as much time as it takes this [taps the end of the second 40 ft]. So it would be half a second.

Bill:     Okay [nods]. And where would that be down there [gestures to the time line]?

Ann:    That would be like É over here [writes Ō1/2Ķ above a tick mark a short distance from the 2 on the time line].

Bill:     Okay.

Ann:    So it would take him

Bill:     [Interrupting] Remember what I was saying on this diagram down here [time line] that we want. This is the starting point [points to the 0 on the time line]. ThatÕs the ending point [points to right end point of the time line].

Ann:    Ohhh [draws a new time line below the old. Puts a 0 on the left and a 2 1/2 on the right].

Bill:     Okay, good.

Ann:    ThatÕd be one second [draws a tick mark about a third of the way from the left and labels it Ō1Ķ], two second [draws a tick mark about two thirds of the way from the left and labels it Ō2Ķ], and a half [draws a smaller tick mark about a fifth of the way from the right and labels it Ō1/2Ķ].

Bill:     Okay. Is this the two and a half mark [points Ō1/2Ķ], or is that the two and a half mark [points Ō2 1/2,Ķ written near the end of the distance line]?

Ann:    This one [writes Ō1/2Ķ over 2 1/2 at the end of the distance line and scribbles out previous 1/2].

Bill:     Okay. Good! Now, letÕs assume heÕs going to run at É um, some different speed. Why donÕt you do the same kind of thing on your own over there [gestures to scratch paper]. What if heÕs going to run at, ummm, 45?

10:03   Ann:    [Draws a new distance line] Forty-five?

Bill:     Yeah. Feet per second.

            Ann:    [Draws a time line to the right and below this distance line, only two thirds of the otherÕs length] Okay, so if heÕs going he will go 5 more feet than, five more feet than up there. [Mumbles something unintelligible, then makes a curved line between 0 and a point less than half way across the distance line].

Bill:     Okay. If you want, you can mark it like this instead of making the loops [note: the curved lines to denote distance], but itÕs up to you, either way.

Ann:    He traveled É 45 feet [writes Ō45 feetĶ above distance line].

Bill:     Okay. Where will he be on the time scale?

Ann:    And that will be one second [makes a tick mark about a fifth from the left and labels it Ō1 secĶ É Okay. This [referring to the second second on the distance line] would be É wait a second. 45 plus 25 is É Oh, I get it. This would be [draws a second curved line from the end of the last one to a point just shy of the end point of the distance line] É

10:04   Bill:     Good show.

Ann:    É 45 feet again [labels the new curved line Ō45 feetĶ].

Bill:     Uh huh.

Ann:    This [referring to the time line]would be É [makes a tick mark about three quarters of the way from the left, labelling it Ō2 secĶ] here.

Bill:     Okay.

Ann:    That would be two seconds. And then this tiny bit right here [points to the region on the far right of the distance line] is whatÕs left. And that would be É this is not, that would be 90 [points to the first and second distance curves on the distance line], so it would be 10 feet.

Bill:     Good. ThatÕs right [draws a final curved line and Ō10 feet leftĶ on top of it]. And, how long does it take him to go that 10 feet?

Ann:    It would take him É Okay. A fourth of a second?

Bill:     Pretty close [Ann writes Ō2 1/4Ķ at the end of the time line]. How did you come up with a fourth?

Ann:    It canÕt be a half and itÕs too small to be a third.

            Bill:     Yeah. Why canÕt it be a half? Tell me what youÕre thinking.

10:05   Ann:    Half É Okay. Half of 45 [writes Ō45Ķ,]

Bill:     Oh, okay, I understand.

Ann:    is not É

Bill:     That would be twenty-two and a half.

Ann:    [Writes Ō22 1/2Ķ below the 45] Yeah.

Bill:     Okay, so itÕs not that, is it?

Ann:    And half of this [points to 22 1/2]

Bill:     Uh huh.

Ann:    is less. Half of

Bill:     Yeah, itÕs about eleven and a quarter. [Ann writes Ō11 1/4Ķ] And heÕs got to go ten feet.

Ann:    He only has to go 10 feet so you just use the quarter from here [circles the 1/4 of 11 1/4].

Bill:     Okay, so itÕs a little less than a quarter. We wonÕt dwell on that for the moment. But here is what I want to come back to. Do you see the distance you have here from zero to one second and one to two seconds [drags finger along the time line]?

Ann:    Uh huh.

Bill:     Should those be the same distances?

Ann:    No.

Bill:     IsnÕt one second as long as the first and second second?

Ann:    Yeah. But it canÕt be perfect.

Bill:     IÕm not saying about your drawing, IÕm just saying in reality, though.

Ann:    Yeah.

Bill:     If we were graphing time, would we have equal É ?

Ann:    [Interrupting] If you were like a scientist or something and you were graphing time, you would make sure that they were like even. YouÕd probably have a ruler or something [pretends to measure the time line with a ruler].

Bill:     Hmm. Okay [nods]. I want to make sure you understand, though, that one second is the same length as the next second and the next second.

             [moves hands to indicate second intervals in the air] unless theyÕre variable [Ann nods], and I donÕt know about that [Ann mumbles something unintelligible] Okay. Put this one aside and grab another piece of paper. Question for you. If you know, let me use your pen for a second. If you know now that that same distance here [draws a distance line with out tick marks save ones at the ends] is 100 feet and the graph down here for the time [does the same thing for time, making them both the same length], IÕll make it the same length down here just to make it a little easier, and we know that the ending down here is seven and a half seconds [writes Ō7 1/2 [7.5]Ķ at right end of the time distance line], or 7.5 seconds, which ever you want to call it. What speed does he have to go to so that this [points to time line] matches that [points to the distance line]?

10:07   Ann:    [Writes a Ō0Ķ at the left of both lines, and Ō100 ftĶ at the right end of the time distance line] Okay, seven and a half seconds.

Bill:     Uh huh.

Ann:    [Pauses, looking quizzically at the two lines. She then looks at Bill.] Half of 7 is 3.5, right?

Bill:     Okay [nods].

Ann:    [Pause] So É that [draws an arrow from the 7 1/2 pointing down. Where this arrow points, Ann writes 3 1/2 + 3 1/2 = in column form].

Bill:     So, where on this time line would that be [gestures across the time line], this three and a half? On this one [points again to the time line].

Ann:    ThatÕs not important.

Bill:     O-okay.

Ann:    Half of seven is three and a half.

Bill:     IÕm sorry, itÕs three and three quarters. My apologies, I shouldnÕt have misled you there [Ann changes addition column to read 3 1/4 + 3 1/4]. Three and three quarters. Three over four. Or 3.75 and 3.75. If you want to use an easier one, just use straight 7, thatÕs all right.

Ann:    [Crosses out addition column by drawing a triangle over it. She pauses, then writes Ō7 sec.Ķ near the middle of the page] Okay.

Bill:     Okay. WeÕre gonna use seven, all right?

10:08   Ann:    It has to be 7 seconds [draws a ŌxĶ [multiplication symbol] next to and slightly about the 7].

Bill:     Okay.

Ann:    And if you have that times by, letÕs say a hundred maybe [writes Ō100Ķ above the 7 sec.]? Because itÕs the distance of feet [points to the right end of the distance line] and this is the time that you want [points to the 7 sec., then writes ŌfeetĶ next to the hundred] . So you times seven [draws a line under 7 sec. and then Ō700Ķ below that] É  And you get this [note: the 700] and you take it over [draws an arrow to the right of the 700, rewrites 700, and puts a minus sign below it]. And then you subtract, and then you subtract it by, umm [pause], by another number and you get the answer, I think [chuckles].

Bill:     Okay. What does the 700 represent that youÕve done here?

Ann:    It represents É 7 times 100.

Bill:     Okay. But this [points to 100 feet] is number of feet, right?

Ann:    Yeah.

Bill:     And so youÕre saying this is 100 feet times 7 seconds. ThatÕs as if heÕs going 100 feet per second for seven seconds [points to the 700].

10:09   Ann:    [Looks down at her work for a moment] Yeah [looks up at Bill].

Bill:     HeÕs not doing that, is he? HeÕs not traveling 100 feet per second, is he?

Ann:    [Sounding sure of herself:] ThatÕs why you have to subtract it [taps the 700 with the pen] by something [smiles]!

Bill:     Ah. Okay. Let me back you up a minute. When you said here a minute ago [touches the 0 and the 7 on the time line] that if weÕre going to go for 7 seconds down to the end half of that 7 seconds, how far will he have gone in this 100 feet [touches the 0 and the 100 on the distance line]?

Ann:    É Half way.

Bill:     Put your mark down there [gestures to the two lines; Ann marks the halfway points of both]. How long will it take him to get half way?

Ann:    [Pause] Three and a half seconds.

Bill:     Uh huh [yes]. ThatÕs right. So from that is there a way that we can use this [puts fingers at ends of time line] to determine the speed [indicates a part of distance line] itÕs going to require him to get up there [drags a finger along the distance line]?

Ann:    [Softly] No.

Bill:     Remember the first thing we were working on this morning?

Ann:    Uh huh [yes].

Bill:     He was running at 40 feet per second. What did you do with the 40 feet per second to get the time it took him to go the full length É [gestures across distance line] or the 100 feet [gesturing across distance line again]?

Ann:    É I divided it.

Bill:     [Nods] Uh huh [yes]. Why?

Ann:    So I could get the answer.

Bill:     Okay, but when you divided the 40 into the 100 feet, in effect you were saying that gives me a 40 foot section here [points to a first part of the distance line], a 40 foot section here [points further to the right on the distance line], and I had 20 left over [points to a portion at the end of the distance line], right [Ann nods]? So that gave me a second, a second, and a half second.

Ann:    Uh huh [yes].

Bill:     What would prevent you from doing the same thing with the seconds?

Ann:    [Pauses while looking at her scratch paper] I donÕt quite understand [shakes head].

Bill:     Okay. Now, instead of knowing the speed [holds thumb and index finger apart], we know the time. IÕm going to travel from here to there [moves hand from 0 to 100 on AnnÕs distance line] in 7 seconds. Okay?

Ann:    Okay.

Bill:     If I do that, how far É can you show me on here [points to time line], kind of generally speaking É if I do it in seven seconds, how far É youÕve marked here how far IÕve traveled in three and a half seconds [points to the midpoint of both lines], how far on that thing [points to distance line] would I have traveled in one second? Or two seconds? Or seven seconds?

Ann:    [Looks down at the paper. Sounding discouraged.] The whole thing?

Bill:     Seven seconds would be the whole thing, okay?[points to the 7 on the time line ] How about one second, two seconds? Can you just make marks on there like youÕre going to put this into the sections showing how far you would go each second [uses thumb and index finger to indicate succesive intervals]? [Ann puts five tick marks on the time line, haphazardly dividing it into seven intervals ] Okay. And you have [counts the intervals] 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 sections. Right? Do those correspond to sections up here [indicates sections on AnnÕs distance line]?

Ann:    Yeah. [Pause] Yeah [nods].

Bill:     [Nods] Okay, they do. Now the main thing weÕre trying to figure out is É what is that distance that he traveled in this one second [drags finger over a small area of the distance line]. How can I determine that from what you know now?

Ann:    [Looks at the paper for a long time] IÕm not sure.

Bill:     Well, letÕs see. You guys were working with sharing between containers.

Ann:    [Looks up a Bill] Uh huh.

Bill:     [Places hand over both lines] In this case, letÕs say that each one of those containers, weÕve got seven of them, was one second. Okay? I want to share that 100 feet equally between seven seconds [Ann pushes paper around on desk with pen while looking at Bill]. How do I figure out how much each second can will get in terms of feet? [Looks down at the paper, then vacantly, then back to paper for a very long pause] Tell me what youÕre thinking, Ann. I donÕt want to get you stuck. If you get stuck on it, just say so and weÕll take a different tack. But in the meantime let me know what youÕre thinking so I can figure out how to guide you to it.

10:14   Ann:    I donÕt know [chuckles].

Bill:     Okay, do you understand what weÕre talking about here [touches the time distance line] in terms of representing the time span [Ann crosses out the Ō1/2 [7.5]Ķ at the end of the time line while Bill talks] along side the distance span [points to the distance line] with a hundred feet?

Ann:    Yeah.

10:15   Bill:     Okay. And the idea that weÕre expressing here [grabs the pen] was that if we go a certain distance [moves the pen across the first time tick interval] in one second, weÕre going at a constant speed now, okay? As we do that, weÕre going to go at the same distance in one second [moves pen up to match the exact same interval space on the distance line] between zero and one as we do from one to two [drags pen further along the distance line to about halfway] so that our time spans here [darkens the Ō0Ķ and next tick mark on the time line] are directly related to the distance span. So if I can come down here [moves hand to the time line] and divide this line from zero to seven [darkens the tick marks representing 0 and 7] in seven [touches each time tick interval] equal second segments, each one of these segments would represent one second and there are seven of them there. Up here [touches the distance line], IÕd be going along a similar line [divides the distance line into corresponding tick intervals], but this one isnÕt seconds, this one is divided into feet, or is in feet I should say. So from that, can I determine how far [darkens the first distance line tick interval] that distance is that IÕm traveling in one second? How many second sections are there on this line [makes marks underneath the next two tick intervals on the distance line] going along with the ones down here [touches the time line]. I misled you there, I think. If I travel one second here [darkens the one second mark on the time line], how far in time have I traveled up here [darkens the corresponding distance line tick mark]?

10:16   Ann:    [Shrugs, then says softly:] One second?

Bill:     Yeah [nods]! In time, IÕve traveled one second up here too. When I get down to the end, IÕve traveled seven seconds [darkens the end tick mark on the time line]. How far in time [darkens the end tick mark on the distance line] have I traveled to there?

Ann:    [Softly:] Seven seconds.

Bill:     Okay. So, how do I figure out how far this is [touching the first tick interval on the distance line]? Just this one seconds worth of length up here [again touching the same tick interval]?

Ann:    [Pause. Then softly:] I donÕt know.

Bill:     [Pauses.] How many sections do we have up here [touching the distance line]?

Ann:    Seven.

Bill:     Are they all the same length?

Ann:    Yeah.

Bill:     [Nods] Yeah. How long is one of them?

Ann:    One second long?

Bill:     One second long, but in feet? [touches the first interval on the distance line]

Ann:    [Shrugs] I donÕt know.

Bill:     [Pause] LetÕs not use something like seven. LetÕs say we have 100 feet [makes a new smaller distance line labeling it at the end point Ō100Ķ] and now IÕm going to be traveling at 25 feet per second [makes one tick interval and labels it Ō25Ķ]. Right? How many sections would this be divided into then? [Pause] 25-50-75-100.

Ann:    Four.

Bill:     Right [divides line up into four tick intervals and putsĶ4Ķ under 100 at the end]. How long will it take him to get down there?

Ann:    Four seconds?

Bill:     Good. IÕve got one thatÕs five seconds [makes another distance line below the 25 one, the same length, and labels it Ō5Ķ at the end]. How many sections will this [drags pen over the new distance line] be divided into?

Ann:    [Pause] Five?

10:18   Bill:     [Nods] And, if I do it into five [marks off the distance line into five tick intervals], how long is each one?

Ann:    Forty seconds? Forty miles per hour?

Bill:     LetÕs see if that makes sense. [Puts pen on each interval in succession:] Forty plus 40 plus 40 plus 40 plus 40. Remember, this is the 100 feet weÕre talking about here [puts Ō100Ķ over the 5 on the new distance line].

Ann:    [Pause] Twenty?

Bill:     Yeah. How far did he travel in this time [points to the first interval. Writes Ō20Ķ over it]?

Ann:    Twenty.

Bill:     How long did it take him to travel there?

Ann:    É One second?

10:19   Bill:     Good. Up here [points to the distance line right above the new one, 100 in 4 seconds], it was 25 and one second. Okay. What would it be there [points to original distance line, 100 in 7 seconds]? [Ann looks down at the distance line, pauses, then shrugs]

Bill:     You donÕt have to come up with the number, but how would you calculate the number? [Portion of transcript omitted.] This, we said, was going to take him four seconds, this was five seconds, do you see any relationship between this number [4] and this number [100] that would lead to that [25]? This number [5] and this number [100] that would lead to that [20]?

Ann:    [Shrugs, then shakes her head.] No.

Bill:     What about these two [points to 100 and 4]. What if I divide or multiply or add or subtract these two? Do I come up with that in any way?

Ann:    [Softly.] I donÕt know.

Bill:     Think about it for a second because thatÕs the key right now. YouÕre right on the verge of knowing the answer. [Long pause.] What do you think?

Ann:    IÕm not sure.

Bill:     Well, tell me if you can see any relationships between these two numbers [points to 100 and 4]. This is four seconds. ThatÕs how long it took him to go 100 feet. Okay? É How can I end up with that [points to 25] as a speed?

Ann:    [Long pause.] By subtracting?

10:21   Bill:     [Looking down at the scratch paper] I donÕt see how--Show me how you would do that. How would you subtract it? [Ann shrugs] É Okay. Let me have you do this. Why donÕt you make a couple of columns here. And weÕre going to make the column here, how far he has traveled, and the time. Okay? So on the first one over here, letÕs say heÕs going to be traveling 25 miles per hour. [Ann makes misshapen columns with Ō25Ķ at the top]. Okay? How far does he travel? LetÕs put one second, two seconds, three seconds, four seconds, whatever. How far does he travel in the first second?

Ann:    [Softly] Twenty-five miles.

Bill:     Okay, so letÕs record here the time and here the distance heÕs traveled. Okay. How far has he traveled in the second second.

Ann:    Fifty.

Bill:     Okay, letÕs record that. And the third and fourth, etc.

Ann:    Until 100?

10:22   Bill:     The fourth is 100? [Ann writes Ō1 sec,Ķ Ō2 sec,Ķ Ō3 sec,Ķ Ō4 secĶ on top of each other and below the 25. She uses a distance line to the right and parallel to the column to denote the distance per second travelled] Okay. How far will he have traveled in É ten seconds? [Ann begins to draw an extension to her newest distance line to make it 10 seconds long. She gives up and crosses the addition off, then writes Ō10Ķ with possibly a minus sign, then crosses that out.] LetÕs go back up here. Okay [points to AnnÕs lines and times in column form]. In one second, he went 25. Two you said he went 50, right? How did I get that?

10:23   Ann:    You added 25 plus 25.

Bill:     Oh, okay. And how about three seconds?

Ann:    You added another 25.

Bill:     Okay. Is there a more expedient, or easier way to add then just add 25 plus 25 plus 25?

Ann:    Yeah.

Bill:     What?

Ann:    Multiply.

Bill:     Sure. So if we get down here to 10 seconds, what are we going to do with the 10?

Ann:    É Multiply?

Bill:     Sure! ThatÕs what youÕve been doing here, right?

Ann:    [Softly] Yeah.

Bill:     So, how far will he have traveled in 10? [Ann writes 25 * 10 = in column form].

10:24   Bill:     I should have brought in the calculator. I apologize for that. I didnÕt bring one. There you go. ThatÕs correct, it would be 250 [Ann writes Ō250Ķ under her multiplication column]. Okay?

Ann:    Okay.

Bill:     Now. You see how we were going down here and just taking the time and the speed and you were multiplying the time [points to 1 sec. from AnnÕs columns] times the speed [points to the 25 on the top of one of the columns] to get the distance?

Ann:    Okay.

Bill:     Okay. Is there a way of seeing a relationship between these [points to 4 and 100 on the top small distance line] and this [points to the 25 by the same distance line]. From that what you were just doing, what were we doing to get from here to here to here, etc. [points at each of the tick marks on the top small distance line in reverse order]?

Ann:    We were É [pause, shrugs] I donÕt know.

Bill:     Well, what were you doing to get from this column [points to the seconds column] to this column [points to the distance line displayed vertically by the seconds column]? [Pauses, waiting for Ann to respond] You were multiplying werenÕt you?

Ann:    É Yeah [shrugs and then nods].

10:25   Bill:     Yeah. Okay. So if weÕre going down this track É  [points to the top small distance line] in segments [touches the first tick interval, labelled 25], we happen to know now are 25 feet per second each time, weÕre going [drags finger over the distance line] to get to the 100 in 4 seconds. Four times the 25 is 100, right?

Ann:    [Softly] Yeah.

Bill:     Okay. WhatÕs the relationship between the 5, 100 and 20 [touches these numbers on the bottom small distance line] É on this one [taps the bottom distance line again]. If weÕre going 20 feet per second?

Ann:    É [Softly] They all make up the problem?

Bill:     Huh?

Ann:    They all make up the problem?

Bill:     Well, yeah, thatÕs a different problem. But what IÕm asking you is to see if thereÕs a relationship between these three numbers [points to the 4, 25, and 100 on the top distance line]? É Okay. Is there a relationship between 4, 25, and 100?

Ann:    No?

Bill:     Okay. How about here [touches the columned numbers in succession] 25, one, two was 50, three was 75, four was a hundred. HereÕs the same ones IÕm talking about right here. [Pauses, waiting for Ann to respond. Ann looks discouraged]. Is there any way I can get 100 from knowing these two numbers [points to the 4 and the 25 on the top distance line]?

10:26   Ann:    [Shrugs] Umm [long pause]. Yeah.

Bill:     How?

Ann:    IÕm stuck.

Bill:     Okay. What did we just do here, Ann? You did it, I didnÕt do it.

Ann:    [Softly] We multiplied.

Bill:     Okay. Is there anyway of getting to 100 knowing these two numbers [again pointing to the 4 and the 25]?

Ann:    Uhh É Yeah.

Bill:     How?

Ann:    Multiply?

Bill:     If you multiply, do you get 4 times 25 is 100?

Ann:    [Softly] Yeah.

Bill:     Sure you do. I guess our bell just rang. Ann, donÕt get so worried about it. YouÕre doing fine. But thereÕs an answer here that I canÕt give you. You gotta see it for yourself. And when you do, it will make your light bulb go pop! So donÕt worry about it. YouÕre doing just fine. [Ann nods]. See you tomorrow. With any sort of luck, IÕll be here.